Table of Contents
Item name: KDC Silver nipple piercings | ![]() | Low prim, realistic look |
Prims: copy, modify | Biometric & key locking systems with Alerts | |
Prim count: 25 | AO-proof posing with collar-specific poses | |
Scripts: copy | Point-to-point chaining (objects & avatars) | |
Script count: 3 (4 in right nipple ring) | Support accessories | |
Version: 1 | RLV Compatible (via RLV Activator) | |
Compatible with: TouchBound System Collar, Ankle Cuffs, Leash Handle, Thether Point, RLV Activator, Padlock Sets, Nipple accessories |
- The nipple rings should be worn either on the left/right pec the chest, or the spine, each ring is an independant attachment, most viewers currently support attaching multiple objects to the same attachment point.
- See the Overview for core information on how the KDC Bondage System works.
The nipple rings works with both the KDC biometric and the KDC key locking systems, but are only supplied with a biometric padlock.
- Biometric Padlocks: Usually bear a fingerprint reader or other recognition device. They can only be operated by authorised users.
- Key Padlocks: Are traditionally-style padlocks that require a key. However, the KDC system uses an advanced locking system. Keyed padlock sets can be purchased through any KDC vendor
For detailed information on both systems, please refer to the KDC Bondage System Padlocks.
Touch Functions
This section provides a complete overview of the possible collar interactions. It is includes for reference purposes. Given the intuitive nature of the system, I strongly encourage you to experiment by yourself, it's more fun that way :)
Note that in the instructions below, “[item 1] → [item 2]” means that you MUST touch item 1 then item 2 to achieve the desired effect; while “[item 1] ↔ [item 2]” means you can touch EITHER item 1 OR item 2 first to achieve the desired effect.
- Left/right nipple ring ↔ KDC Piercing clamp: Insert or remove the captive bead in the open space of each piercing ring, when the captive bead is in place, the ring is considered to be locked.
- Left/right nipple ring ↔ Padlock: Lock the leashing function (if it was unlocked).
- Left/right nipple ring ↔ Biometric padlock: Lock the leashing function (if it was unlocked) or unlock it (if the fingerprint match).
- Left/right nipple ring ↔ Key: Unlock the leashing ring (if the key match).
NOTE: Inserting a padlock inside one of the rings prevent to remove the captive bead!
- Left/right Wrist cuff → Left/right nipple ring: Draw a chain from the cuff to the targeted nipple ring, if available, will offer one or more of following options:
- TIGHT: Tightly bind the selected wrist to the nipple ring (if you selected the nipple ring on the same side).
- ACROSS: Will tie the wrist across to the other nipple ring (if you selected the opposite nipple ring).
- LOOSE: Doesn't do anything, close the menu.
- Left/Right nipple ring → Any compatible item: Draw a chain from the nipple ring to the object, or remove it.
- Nipple accessory ↔ Left/right nipple ring: Attach or detach the selected accessory to the ring, only one accessory can be added at any time and it will replace the previous one, to remove an accessory, simply try to add it again.
Notes on Leashing and Chains
- When the leashing ring is locked, you can't draw a chain from it, or remove the active chain if it was already on; it is effectively locked in it's current state.
- Any chain/leashes can be removed by anyone by redoing the chaining sequence if the ring isn't padlocked, with the exception of leash handles; in this specific case case, only the leash handle owner can draw/remove the chain.
- You can draw as many chains as you want across the same person (allowing you to make complex hobble/chain patterns, however due to a limitation in the way constraining an avatar works, you can only use ONE chain to link the wearer to a static object or to another avatar. If you attempt to use more than one chain, the object will inform you that it isn't possible.
- Some objects might reserve the leashing function. If this happen, the object will inform you that the leash function is in use.
- When chained to another avatar (through the use of a leash handle, or another bondage piece) or to an object, the wearer cannot move too far away from the point he/she is chained to. The maximum distance is automatically set to the distance between the wearer and the object/person he/she is tied to.
RLV Capabilities
When used in conjunction with an RLV compatible client and the KDC RLV relay, the following options are made available:
- If the nipple ring's captive beads are inserted, the wearer cannot remove the rings.
- If the chain is drawn to a tether point (compatible leash handle or bondage equipment), the wearer won't be able to teleport or be teleported by anyone other than the owner of the leash handle / bondage equipment (force teleport).
Each nipple ring can support accessories, in the form of stretching weights ( 3 different sizes are included with the rings ), vibrating aparatus or bell style accessories, allowing you to add a little bit of customisation in how you or your submissive wear the rings, accessories are purely decorative and do not affect the other functionalities of the rings, they may be designed to emmit sound when used and can be attached an removed by anyone.
Check the relevant section on nipple accessories for more informations.