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Table of Contents
- Tight restrictions on where avatars have to be located to be able to use the furniture.
- Persistent sitting after relogging.
- Sit reservation.
- TouchBound compatible chain points.
Configuration options
Adjusting the reach of furnitures
A piece of furniture that uses the KDC Experiment restricts touching based on a quadrant system, you can allow/disallow touching these pieces of furniture based on where the touching avatar is standing in relation to the furniture local axis.
Seat reservation
You can enable the option to “lock” a piece of furniture when its user logs off and effectively “reserve” it for them until they log back on.
This can be useful if roleplay-wise, the person is supposed to still be there, it is also useful for furniture the user can be chained to.
If the option is enabled, a hovertext will iindicate visually that this furniture is “reserved”.
experience/furnitures.1648294611.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/26 11:36 by kyrahabattoir