Built to last by a local blacksmith, this cage has seen its fair share of use and abuse as shown by the amount of edge wear and the corrosion stains on the marble block it was erected upon.
Nonetheless, it will serve its new owner for a long time in exchange for a little bit of hinge grease and a touch of paint.
If The KDC Experiment Second Life experience is enabled on the current parcel, it will also use this feature to recapture avatars that manage to get out of the cell. NOTE: If RLV-Relay teleport is enabled, the cell will only attempt to use RLV teleport if it cannot use experience teleport.
By default, the KDC Lattice Cage will attempt to apply RLV restrictions to its occupant(s) with an RLV Relay, as soon as the door is closed.
The cage features 4 anchors placed (by default) on the left, right, back and top face of the cage. These anchors can be used as regular TouchBound Anchor plates however, they count as a single target, allowing you to use all 4 anchors on the same avatar, at the same time.
The cage includes a sit point with a set of 9 poses. You can change pose by using the up/down arrow keys and adjust the offset with the pageUp pageDown keys. The position chosen will be saved until the cage configuration/animation list is changed.
The pose's default Z offset is set to work for me (Kyrah Abattoir) a 1m76 tall avatar, however setting the Z offset to your liking is easy:
All you have to do is to drag and drop the new animations inside the cage and it will be detected automatically.
NOTE: Animations are loaded in alphabetical order
The Lattice Cage comes with a notecard based configuration allowing to tweak some of its features.
**IMPORTANT!! As of version 5, the configuration is adjusted by RENAMING the different configuration notecards rather than editing their content. With the exception of the “config.whitelist” notecard.
config.masterkey= : No master key is set. config.masterkey=<LockID>: Keys that match the lockcode <LockID> will always be able to unlock the cage. NOTE: Multiple LockIDs can be defined one after the other. Example: "config.masterkey=<LockID1>,<LockID2>,<LockID3>"
config.securelock=: (default) No lock restriction. config.securelock=<LockID>: Only the Lock <LockID> can be installed on the cage locking points. NOTE: Multiple LockIDs can be defined one after the other. Example: "config.securelock=<LockID1>,<LockID2>,<LockID3>"
On keyed lock and key sets, the LockID will be written in the locks & keys description after they have been initialized.
config.door.auto-open=Yes : Then door will auto-open when the lock is removed. config.door.auto-open=No : The door have to be manually opened when unlocked.
config.hatch.auto-open=Yes : Then hatch will auto-open when the lock is removed. config.hatch.auto-open=No : The hatch have to be manually opened when unlocked.
config.max-locktime=0 : Locks will behave normally. config.max-locktime=<minutes> : Any lock used on this object will be converted into "time release locks" so they can be removed after the configured time has elapsed.
IMPORTANT! Do not enable this feature unless parcel teleport routing is set to “Anywhere”!
(About Land > Options > Teleport Routing)
config.rlv.teleport=Yes : The cage will try to teleport escapees using their RLV relay. config.rlv.teleport=No : The cage will only use experience powers to teleport escapees, if possible.
NOTE: The cell will only attempt to use RLV teleport if it cannot use experience teleport.
config.rlv.nobuild=Yes : Cage occupants with a relay won't be able to build or edit objects. config.rlv.nobuild=No : Default.
These two notecards determinate which skin texture will be loaded by the cage color script, possible values are: Aged,Black,Blue,Grey,Olive,Pink,Purple,Red,White,Yellow
config.texture-base=Aged config.texture-cage=Aged
These two notecards determinate which tint will be loaded by the cage color script, values are expressed in RGB colors <R,G,B>, if you prefer to use manual tinting, you can safely delete those two notecards.
config.tint-base=<255,255,255> config.tint-cage=<255,255,255>
The position of the anchor plates doesn't affect their function, feel free to edit the cage and place them where you prefer, or unlink them entirely, however, do not rename them if you want to keep them functional.