multiobj + stored bucket ⇔ multi-bucket pickup/drop bucket

multiobj + stored matches ⇔ multi-matches pickup/drop matches

multiobj + trashcan ⇒ multi-trashbag pickup trashbag

multiobj + vacuum_cleaner ⇒ multi-vacuum pickup/drop vacuum cleaner

multi-bucket + faucet ⇒ multi-bucket(water) fill bucket with water

multi-bucket(water) + drain ⇒ multi-bucket empty bucket of water

multi-bucket + coalpile ⇔ multi-bucket(coal) fill/empty bucket with coal

multi-bucket(coal) + fireplace ⇒ multi-bucket load fire with coal

multi-bucket + ashpile ⇒ multi-bucket(ash) pick up ash in bucket

multi-bucket(ash) + dumpster ⇒ multi-bucket empty ash bucket in dumpster

multi-trashbag + incinerator ⇒ multiobj dump trash in incinerator

multi-matches + incinerator ⇒ multi-matches light up the incinerator

multi-bucket(water) + fireplace ⇒ multi-bucket shut down fireplace

multi-bucket(water) + incinerator ⇒ multi-bucket shut down incinerator