====== 03/06/2024 ====== [[https://kdc.booth.pm/items/5549275|Lattice Cage, VRChat edition]]. ====== 02/24/2024 ====== [[touchbound_system:cage|Lattice Cage]] version 8 * **ADDED** PBR Textures (backward compatible). * **ADDED** Heavy-Duty padlock support. ====== 02/24/2014 ====== * [[touchbound_system:gags]] **UPDATED** Ported the ballgag to the latest code revision. ====== 02/06/2014 ====== * [[touchbound_system:start|all]] **FIXED** Added animation resync when sitting/standing. * [[touchbound_system:start|all]] **CHANGE** RLV Activator 2.0 ====== 12/09/2013 ====== * [[touchbound_system:chastity]] **FIXED** Naming error in one of the animations. * [[touchbound_system:chastity]] [[touchbound_system:anklecuffs]] **ADDED** Kneeling pose when used with ankle cuffs. ====== 12/19/2013 ====== * [[touchbound_system:wristcuffs]] **ADDED** Support for the thighs bands that should have been in the previous update. ====== 11/19/2013 ====== * [[touchbound_system:wristcuffs]] **ADDED** Elbow cuffs animations. ====== 08/12/2013 ====== * [[touchbound_system:gasmask]] **FIXED** Pink glass was returning orange. ====== 08/01/2013 ====== * [[touchbound_system:gasmask]] **FIXED** Improper behavior of the sound volume buttons. ====== 07/25/2013 ====== * [[touchbound_system:gasmask]] **FIXED** Improper buttons on certain colors on the HUD. * [[touchbound_system:gasmask]] **FIXED** Wrong appearance & sizing of the locks. ====== 04/22/2013 ====== * [[touchbound_system:chastity]] **FIXED** Conflict between the chastity belt and the bridle coloring hud. ====== 04/06/2013 ====== * [[touchbound_system:chastity]] **FIXED** Wrong animation names for the "cuffed to sides" poses. ====== 04/03/2013 ====== * [[touchbound_system:wristcuffs]] **ADDED** Chastity belt animations. ====== 04/02/2013 ====== * [[touchbound_system:start|all]] **FIXED** Bitfield errors in most of the core objects. * [[touchbound_system:anklecuffs]] **ADDED** Chastity belt animations. ====== 03/26/2013 ====== * [[touchbound_system:piercings]] **CHANGE** Converted to the V2 codebase, including all past improvements. ====== 03/23/2013 ====== * [[touchbound_system:bit]] **CHANGE** Compiled the garbler in LSL to reduce its memory footprint. ====== 03/22/2013 ====== * [[touchbound_system:start|all]] **CHANGE** Separated texts into a dedicated language script. ====== 03/21/2013 ====== * [[touchbound_system:anklecuffs]] **CHANGE** Light primcount reduction. * [[touchbound_system:wristcuffs]] **CHANGE** Cuff glow replaced by locking pin glow on the laminated serie, ====== 03/20/2013 ====== * [[touchbound_system:wristcuffs]] **CHANGE** Light primcount reduction. * [[touchbound_system:wristcuffs]] **CHANGE** Cuff glow replaced by locking pin glow on the laminated serie, no change on the sensing zones. * [[touchbound_system:wristcuffs]] **ADDED** Mirrored animations for cuffs <-> ankle cuffs. ====== 03/19/2013 ====== * [[touchbound_system:collars]] **ADDED** Mirrored animations for cuffs <-> collar. * [[touchbound_system:start|all]]: **ADDED** Various memory optimizations done on timers and lists. * [[touchbound_system:start|all]]: **CHANGE** RLV Activator is now compiled in LSL mode to reduce it's memory footprint. * [[touchbound_system:collars]]: **CHANGE** Adjusted the clicking prims to avoid click conflicts with other attachments. * [[touchbound_system:start|all]]: **CHANGE** Descriptions from locks are capped to 30 characters max. * [[touchbound_system:start|all]]: **FIXED** Chains and animations now survive relogging. ====== 07/29/2012 ====== * [[touchbound_system:bit]]: **FIXED** Improper scaling of the locks. * [[touchbound_system:bit]]: **FIXED** Wrong versions of the core and module script prevented the bit to be locked in the mouth. ====== 07/25/2012 ====== * [[touchbound_system:bridle]]: **FIXED** Removed a debug message that would show in chat during normal use. ====== 07/24/2012 ====== * [[touchbound_system:start|all]]: **FIXED** Updater use less memory and check for updates only once a day. * [[touchbound_system:start|all]]: **FIXED** Removed the point ID numbers in the double click info panel. * [[touchbound_system:start|all]]: **FIXED** Created a special namespace for KDC/TB commands, less public LM chatter. * [[touchbound_system:start|all]]: **FIXED** Detection of unchainable point now work properly. * [[touchbound_system:start|all]]: **FIXED** RLV Unsit now only triggers when the avatar is out of range AND sitting. ====== 07/09/2012 ====== * [[touchbound_system:bridle]]: **FIXED** Adjusted the blinker HUD width for 16:9 users. ====== 07/06/2012 ====== * [[touchbound_system:start|all]]: **FIXED** Script crash error in the HUDs.